Bob Dylan's NeverEnding Tour

The main charts update Olof Bjorner's original NeverEnding tour charts, which extended only to 1992. They don't quite match either Olof's charts or the charts in "Tangled Up In Tapes" for the early years -- I've tried to reconcile the differences between the two versions, and am a bit more inclusive than either of the two sources. And, as with every Dylan chronicler, I have no doubt introuced new and original errors of my own.

If you note any possible errors, please contact me at

Last updated: August 15, 2001. Cumulative charts and individual charts are now up to date, through the conclusion of the summer European tour. (GW3)

Alphabetical List

List By Album/Category

2001 Tour Summary

Winter 2001 Pacific Tour (alphabetical)

Winter 2001 Pacific Tour (order played)

Spring 2001 US Tour (alphabetical)

Spring 2001 US Tour (order played)

Summer 2001 Eurotour (alphabetical)

Summer 2001 Eurotour (order played)

2000 Tour Charts

1999 Tour Charts

1998 Tour Charts